
general_provision-25As with most things in life, the more effort you you give the more results you’ll get! This is just as true with coworking. The following are a few tips on how to get the most out of your coworking experience:


1. Pick a new seat — It’s easy to get sucked into the comfort of the corner nook. The dark shadow dimming your presence may seem like the perfect place to sink away from the crowd and into your work, but remember at one point you probably thought it was a good idea to work from home in your pajamas! Get into the habit of switching seats; you appear more approachable and it allows the opportunity to engage with different people and make new connections.


2. Go to member eventsIt propagates the formation of the community rather than a group of isolated individuals sharing a common room. You’ll learn surprising things about your neighbor that will spark the genesis of collaboration. Perk: They typically spawn around free food & drinks!


3. Pack a lunch Bonding over food. It’s been a phenomenon since the dawn of time. Rather than hitting the door for an overpriced and (most likely) underwhelming sandwich, congregate with others around the lunch table! You’re more likely to finish with an awesome recipe, or the address to a hidden gem (and a few extra bucks in your pocket).


4. Get InvolvedCoworking spaces are typically the home to a variety of community events and meetups. Make sure to keep up with the community calendar and take advantage of them being on your home turf. It’s a great opportunity to learn new skills, make new connections, and possibly do some good for yourself and the community. Don’t see an event that you’re interested in? This could be the perfect opportunity to form your own!



5. Get in “the zone” You may have noticed a trend here, be social! However, as integral as this is, it’s just as important to stay focused on your own mission; your work is an essential piece of the puzzle that completes the rich scene fostered by the collective in a space. With the hustle and bustle of shared workspace it’s easy to get high on the buzz of people creating their magic around you. Be sure to set boundaries for both yourself and other coworkers. Headphones on, face-down, typically means “I’m in the zone”. A few helpful phrases for people who don’t get the clue:

“I would love to talk you about this, the best time for me would be  ___ “

“If you outline your thoughts in an email, I would be happy to reply when I have the chance.”

Are you ready to thrive in a community? Join our innovative space!

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