
Discover “Why Smart Marketers Need To Be Coworking”


Find out why every major business news outlet is reporting on the effects of coworking, including…


Why 70% of coworkers report a noticeable increase in health and well-being


Why 71% of all coworkers get hired more often


Why 81% of coworkers enjoy a better work/life balance

We have referenced mountains of data from dozens of studies and surveys in this comprehensive free report. We’ve included all the helpful links you need to verify this information!

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    “The data in this report is very interesting. Obviously, as a coworking space manager, I make sure that our members enjoy the coworking experience. What I didn’t understand was the coworking phenomenon happening across the globe… coworking is going to be everywhere next year!”
    Grant Stemler, Community Manager, General Provision

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