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Thursday, June 1st @ 6:30 P.M, General Provision will be hosting a joint founder pitch night and panel presentation!


Hosted by General Provision, FundingPost is hosting a joint investor pitch night and panel presentation! You will be able to walk away from this event with not only a stronger understanding of the Venture Capital world and which avenue would be the best fit for you to secure funds, but also a better understanding of the Startup world and its ever-changing landscape that has its traps and loopholes.


Having the chance to listen to the professionals who have been through the process as well as those who are actively looking to write a check can open your mind as to what might be the right path for you. Learning the different ways to building traction, strategies used to develop a fundable company, and the tricks to getting in front of investors – all crucial information for building your Startup! Our Panelist will have a strong understanding of crowdfunding, venture funding, and fully bootstrapping a company.


FundingPost will be giving 15 companies in attendance the ability to get up in front of our panelist to do a quick 60-second pitch.  These pitches are designed to challenge and entrepreneur on being able to quickly and clearly explain their business.  If you feel you are ready for this challenge – send you pitch decks over to [email protected]


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