

Curious as to who serves up our delicious coffee and is the first to greet you at the door? We are so excited to welcome our new Barista in Residence, Diana!


What are you drinking?

Wells Coffee, naturally. Shout out to Brandon and Nicole!


Current mood in 3 words or less:

Embracing the unknown.


You’re a brand new face to GP, welcome! What’s been your favorite part about being part of the General Provision family thus far?

Thank you! I am really happy to be here. One of my many favorite things about being a part of the GP fam is feeling that I am a part of something bigger. I get to make positive interactions with great individuals every day. General Provision is not just a coworking space, it’s a big player in this flourishing community we call home.


Describe your relationship with coffee:

Coffee and I go way back. Growing up (and nowadays), I always loved waking up smelling coffee brewing throughout the house. Whether it was sitting alone with my thoughts or a loved one, coffee just sets the tone and gets you ready to tackle whatever the day throws at you. Some of my fondest memories with family and friends have been gathered around a perfect cup. It’s all about the little things.


How different is working with coffee inside of a coworking space as opposed to a standard coffee shop? Is it what you expected or completely different?

In a standard coffee shop you usually have people that are just trying to get in and out and be on their way. I came from a high volume store that was pumping out 150-200 beverages in an hour during morning rush. With the bar at General Provision, there is much more love and connection when making a beverage for someone. Something I take pride in. I love making people happy and coffee is just a hug in a mug. So, yeah. I expected GP to be every bit as awesome as it is!


What do you wish more people knew about you?

Hmmm… Interesting question. Something I wish more people knew about me…


I am not afraid to show emotions. I feel like we live in a time where being vulnerable and being open with who you are and how you’re feeling is looked at in a negative light or seen as being weak. I embrace that part of me and hope that it encourages others to be honest with the very real parts of themselves.


What’s your take on the coworking infrastructure? And more specifically General Provision?

I’m a fan of the coworking infrastructure. You can’t go wrong helping each other to achieve common goals and especially being at General Provision, an environment that cultivates creativity. Teamwork makes the dream work and you definitely feel that sense of community here at GP.


When you aren’t working hard at GP, where might we find you?

You will more than likely find me on the beach! It is my happy place and where I seek peace in the craziest of times. The sound of the waves are always a gentle reminder of how lucky we all are to live in this little piece of paradise.

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